
Effective November 1, 2024

New Villagers Bylaws


Article I – Name


The name of the organization shall be New Villagers Club of Tellico Village, also referred to as “New Villagers”, or the “Club”.


Article II – Purpose


New Villagers shall be a non-profit organization whose purpose is to welcome, acclimate, assimilate and entertain newcomers in Tellico Village for the purpose of promoting friendships and facilitating their participation in the activities of the Village.


Article III – Fiscal Year


The organization’s fiscal year shall run from January 1 to December 31.


Article IV – Membership


Membership is open to new Tellico Village residents or those who have never been a member. Special exceptions will be determined by the Club President and relayed to Membership and Tellico Life. Membership in New Villagers is 24 months, commencing on the day the New Villager completes the online membership registration, pays the membership fee, and membership is recorded on TellicoLife.  Membership ends in 24 months, on the last day of your join date month.  


Any member serving for at least twelve (12) months or committed to serve for one year beyond their 24-month standard membership for 12 months in a volunteer position will have their membership extended to accommodate their serving out their position for a full calendar year, not to exceed 35 months.


Article V – Dues


Dues are payable upon joining. The amount of dues per household shall be established by the Board of Directors. One fee shall be set for the entire period of membership. Persons who are not currently members of New Villagers shall not be eligible to attend Club functions except for non-resident guests of members or an exception is approved by the Club President or Vice President of Activities.


Article VI – Nominations and Elections


The Board of Directors, plus at least one representative from the general membership, shall be the nominating committee. The Club President will ask for volunteers for the representative on the nominating committee and candidates for board positions at the June board meeting. The current Board will review the nominating committee and board position candidates to ensure their qualifications and readiness for the positions. The nominating committee shall present a slate of known candidates at the September board meeting.  This slate will be sent electronically to all New Villager members by email/eblast just after the October social. Additional members interested in volunteering for a board position should contact a board member.  Such publication may be electronic. The Membership will vote on the proposed slate at the November social meeting.

Election shall be by voice or hand vote unless a request is made for a secret ballot by a majority vote of the membership present at the meeting. The term of office shall coincide with the organization’s fiscal year. If a vacancy occurs during an officer’s term, the Board of Directors shall appoint a replacement.


Article VII – Board of Directors


The Board of Directors (also known as the “Board”) is made up of elected officers of the Club.  Officers include the President, Vice-President/Activities, Vice-President/Social, Vice-President/Communications, Vice-President/Membership, POA Liaison, HOA Liaison, Secretary, and Treasurer. Officers shall perform the duties incumbent upon such office for a term of one year. Officers, excluding the Treasurer, may run for a second term in the same or a different Board position.


Standing Committee Chairpersons:

Also elected is the Asst. VP of Activities, and Membership Admin.  The Asst. VP of Activities, and Membership Admin. may only vote on Board items in the absence of the Vice-President/Activities and Vice-President/Membership. 


The Board will also recruit 1 administrative person to maintain golf registrations and publish the weekly golf roster, 1 to 2 Tellico Life Administrators (NV Admins) to create and enter Activity Flyers into TellicoLife Calendar and create event forms.  1 Webmaster to manage and maintain the New Villagers membership form list, New Villagers’ pages on TellicoLife and the New Villagers website.


Elections of Board members and Stand Committee Chairpersons for the following fiscal year will be conducted at the November Social meeting. A quorum shall be 10% of the active membership.


Article VIII Duties


Job descriptions for all board members listing duties and responsibilities are to be posted on the New Villager’s website.


Article IX – Board of Directors Meetings


The Board of Directors shall meet monthly. Standing Committee Chairpersons shall be invited to participate in Board meetings, and shall have a voice, but no vote, unless as noted in Article VII. A quorum shall consist of five board members.


Article X – Standing Committee Chairpersons


Duties and responsibilities for Standing Committee Chairpersons are to be posted on New Villagers website.


Article XI – Activities and Special Committees


The Board must approve all activities that generate negative revenue. The Board must also approve the creation of Special Committees/Positions


Article XII – General Meetings


General meetings of the New Villagers membership shall be held at a time and place designated by the Board.


Article XIII – Liability


The Board is responsible for maintaining General Liability Insurance covering the New Villagers Club. D&O (Director and Officer) insurance will be maintained for all board members.


Article XIV Parliamentary Authority


The rules contained in the current edition of “Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised” shall govern this Club in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the Club may adopt.


Article XV – Amendment of Bylaws


These Bylaws shall be amended by a 2/3 affirmative vote of the Board, provided that any bylaws amendments be published and available to the general membership for 45 days prior to the vote by the Board. Publication may be electronic.


Article XVI Dissolution


In the event of dissolution, any and all remaining funds shall be donated to a non-profit organization to be named by the members at such time.